
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Grace Challenge........

Jeremiah 31:2-3 Thus says the LORD:”The people who survived the sword found grace in the wilderness; when Israel sought for rest, the LORD appeared to him from far away. I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you."

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"As long summer days come to an end and fall quickly approaches, I realize that the leaves of my life are changing. In the preceeding months of 2013, I have experienced alot of grace, God's grace.....I have been challenged as a woman to learn that its okay to do things that bring my joy, peace and the occasional woosaaaa moment but he gave me grace in the struggle of feeling guilty. I have been challenged as a mother in learing that I will be okay with my childen growing up and that I did do a great job despite my feeling inadequate more days than not but he is giving me grace in my emptiness. I have been challenged as a wife.....enough said on that. My health has been grossly challenged, however when I look back, God has given me grace, grace enough to keep on doing what he would have for me to do even when I don't deserve the amount of grace he shows me."

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"God has continued to give me enough grace for each day. Some days I feel His presence boldly, things are going so smooth, then it happens a call, a text, an email and I find myself looking to Him as the feelings of inadequacy abound. He says the words, "you have survived the sword Marsha, just like the children of Israel in the wilderness, I have faith in you". Wow, what loving words from my father in Heaven. I am a kingdom woman. Even with life's challenges, I will remain steadfast and know that He loves me and daily His grace is sufficient for me."


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Please contact me again. I would like very much to speak with you. Apparently your FB account is disabled...and I only saw your message to me tonight.

Susan Carney