Well, I heard a statement made yesterday, " Agreement, does not mean something is right". I began thinking about that statement. For me it spoke mountains. I live my life to pour out for others. No matter how tired or drained, its what I do. I may not agree with people or a decision, but yet and still I will do what is right when required.
Please understand, by no means am I claiming to be a saint. I have a million flaws and maybe more than most. I have a ton of dry bones in my life that I am not proud of. However at the end of the day, I would never change any of that because it gave me greater understanding. An understanding that I may not have had.
SO agreement? What does that mean? I see alot of people who will manipulate people into agreeing that their way is the best way. I have seen people make a decision based on just wanting to agree and not argue. Why? Right and wrong are just that right and wrong!
I have become somewhat of a safe harbor person. Their are very few homes I will go to and feel comfortable. I do not surround myself with alot of people becasue I have been told that my face tells the story.
I will never believe that I have to agree with someone to do the right thing. My job is to love unconditionally. Does that mean I will like everyone or their ideologies? NO, because trust me, their are a few folks that should be happy I try to do the right thing.......lol
I know one thing for sure, one thing I can agree on is that Jesus is the one solid truth in my life. He does not always agree with me but He does allow me to make choices and in turn suffer the consequences. He does not employ me to be perfect, He employs me to strive for the mark and keep panting after Him.
SO are you living your life to be in agreement or are you living your life to the fullness God has for you by doing what is right, not perfect, but right?
So many times we don't think something through or we attempt to justify a choice or decision. Why? What God has for you is for you and no one else. Trying to live the life of another is guaranteed to fail. Try being who God intended you to be.
I am completely ok with the fact that I am quirky, weird, OCD, ADHD and truly am a morning person, I love to cook, clean and I love kiddos as much they make a little crazy, I love them, I love crafts and reading. Quality is much more to me than quantity. I am not very social in the entertaining sense of the word, I would rather have a bustling, noisy house of teenagers than be sitting in a friends house.
God has given me a few good friends but for the most part my kiddos are my world and I would rather have a lifetime of them, then a few moments of "ME" time.
Do you agree? Guess what its ok because your agreement does not make or break what my heart knows to be right!